Sheinberg Associates, in business continuously since 1989, specializes in problem solving – that’s our passion.

Solving a problem might include Sheinberg Associates’ assistance to create a Site or Development Plan, do a Needs Assessment, gather-review-report on economic data, help a client or community identify goals-objectives-actions, or conduct a Strategic Retreat…

The common thread is listening carefully to the need or challenge and then applying our expertise to design a process that will efficiently and creatively get results and answers.

Barbara Sheinberg, AICP, is the firm principal and its senior planner. Her 30+ years of professional experience brings clear thinking and a neutral way of framing options that helps build consensus as part of the process.

Barbara believes in focused processes and planning efforts; if they go on for too long people burn-out. And, she knows that some fun should be part of the process too.

Barbara is a registered certified planner (American Institute of Certified Planners #014225), is past Alaska state representative to the Western US Planning Resources Board, and served three years on the Board of the Alaska chapter of the American Planning Association. She currently sits on the Juneau Board of Equalization, served on the Juneau Planning Commission for five years, and completed a short stint on the City Council (borough assembly).